This Haiku is written for Haiku Heights .
Prompt today : Zest

Life is whimsical
And moments are counted
Zest, keeps you alive
So follow your heart
Keep your dreams high
And shoot for the stars!!
P. S I adore you :-) --- This journey was so enticing . It was so wonderful meeting so many fellow travellers in this pilgrimage of self-discovery . A big thank you to all the beautiful people for coming here and leaving your impression.
Prompt today : Zest

Life is whimsical
And moments are counted
Zest, keeps you alive
So follow your heart
Keep your dreams high
And shoot for the stars!!
P. S I adore you :-) --- This journey was so enticing . It was so wonderful meeting so many fellow travellers in this pilgrimage of self-discovery . A big thank you to all the beautiful people for coming here and leaving your impression.
9 Beautiful people shared their thoughts:
Inspiring ideas! Lovely haiku!
Very zestful :) Cheers!
Shades of human minds - A Haiku
Very positive and beautiful composition Sweta! Thanks:)
Beautiful haiku set Sweta. I loved reading all of your entrances for the April Challenge.
It was nice to meet you and explore your weblog.
Without zest, life is insipid indeed!
Elusive Music
Wonderful haiku ~ as usual ~ ^_^ ~ Great sharing haiku with you for April ~Hope to see you on Saturday HH ^_^ ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Great haiku Sweta! Zesting in life is a good activity!
Wow .. That made spirits high :) had a lil low day .. But amazing wrds atleast made me smile ..
Nice, and very uplifting!
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