The prompt given at Sunday Scribblings for the last Sunday is Treat , a word which bring different connotations to my mind but mostly associated with celebration and happiness , not to forget that Easter just passed by.
This is my entry for the prompt :
This is my entry for the prompt :
The rain lashing on the valleys
Embracing and caressing the fuming earth
Leaves frolicking and hustling in the balming drops
Like danseuse performing unaware of the spectators
O, what a treat !
The music of the raindrops clattering down the roof
Like the eternal symphony of Bach playing in our soul
The sweet smell from the wet soil
Enthralling our soul and invigorating our mind
O, What a treat !
3 Beautiful people shared their thoughts:
Rain can be a treat, a relief and bringing new life but sometimes it overstays its welcome, especially when it comes to visit you inside your home. However your poem does describe so well that joy when she visits you again after some time.
Yeah specially when it visits in this hot indian summer :-)
Oldegg --> Thanks for stopping by and leaving your impression.
ah that was a treat...
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