Sunday, May 27, 2012

Joy - For Haiku Heights

This Haiku is written for Haiku Heights .Also shared with POETS UNITED

Prompt for this week : Joy

You grew in me
I grew up also
With each passing day

The day you arrived
You cried , my eyes moistened
And my joy know no bounds

You taught me so many things
Patience Compassion
And unconditional love

You are my angel , my purpose
Feeble words cannot capture
The joy of  a mother

Motherhood is the most sublime feeling a women can experience in her lifetime.My life changed when I became a mother almost five years back and with each passing day I learn so many things from my darling son. Enjoy this journey of motherhood and make beautiful memories with your child so that you can cherish when you look back. This haiku is dedicated to all  the mothers .

As in the words of George Cooper :

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.

15 Beautiful people shared their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

you show your love in your verse

valued benevolence haiku

Sri Valli said...

Very heartfelt haiku....Touching words....Amazing set!

Pranita said...

U made me miss my mom... Nothing can equal the joy of a mother indeed! Lovely set..
Do and think not.. Think, then do!

Vinay Leo R. said...

:) a very motherly set of haiku. the love is shown very nicely, and it exudes that.

umm, the first two are haiku, since they are maximum of seventeen syllables. :) however, I think you overshot it in the last two. they've taken a form of 7-5-7 and 8-7-6 respectively.. do try to keep it under 17 :)

kaykuala said...

The joy of motherhood only a mother can really feel! You've said it Sweta!


NAWAL said...

Beautiful one a few bet friends of mine have embraced motherhood just now and i completely can understand how many emotions might be dwelling (i still have much time to, 17 yr old brat daughter)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a man can never understand the bonding between mother n much care a mother takes to grow her baby safely.salute to all mothers

Sweta said...

@Zongrik Thank you
@Valli Thanks so much
@Pranita Awww That s a huge complement :-). LOVE
@Leo Glad you liked. Thank you will take care of that .
@Kaykuala Thank you Hank
@Maharukh Wow you have got a new best friend in making :-)
@Anonymous Thank you !

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Not all life-changing experiences are joyful, but motherhood certainly is (for most women, anyway).

My Heart Blooms with Joy

Ramesh Sood said...

Just beautiful..a very emotion-filled happy take..on JOY.. God bless.. RS:)

Sweta said...

@MMT Yeah so true !Thank you!
@Ramesh Sood Thank you Sir!

Kathy Reed said...

And we feel joy along with them as well as their pain ....for as long as we live...;)

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...


The joys of being a mother are seen in the faces of our children. A completeness....
Lovely words.


Sreeja said...

Wonderful and I respect you for this....

Sweta said...

@kkkkaty Thank you and so true!
@Eileen Glad you liked !
@Sreeja Thank you !