Friday, December 21, 2012

What ails NGOs and how we can make a difference :-)

It has almost become a ritual that during the weekends people working ( both full time and voluntary contributors) from CRY , GATES Foundation , WHO , HELPAGE etc will come knocking at the door .
First they will ask you ,"Have you heard about them ? .OF COURSE . YOU HAVE .
And then when you  reply in affirmative , they will start listing the things which they are doing . And then the next thing , please make a contribution . The least contribution starts from something in 1000 bucks .
                                            So , at one of this instance , there were people coming from GATES foundation. And then this lady also knocked at my neighbour's house . My neighbour's father opened the door .Now let me tell you a liitle bit about him . He has been a past banker , a voracious reader and a very knowledgeable man . So , when this lady repeated the same thing that they are looking for monetary contribution , he asked her , "What is the work you do for GATES foundation ?Then the lady smiled and very sportingly replied that she is a full-time professional and hence on the weekends only when she gets some time they go asking for voluntary contributions from people living in the nearby areas . Then he replied , "Madam Mr Warren Buffet has given his entire earnings to your GATES FOUNDATION and still you are looking for funds from us " I was in raptures and the lady could not help but just smiled back . She was not expecting such a witty reply .
This incident I am recounting here to share the facts which I have came across while working for some of the NGOs in the past . We have been conducting workshops in maths , leadership and other life building skills for student and youth of BOSCO  .
The experience has really been an enriching one . Theses are children from class 5 onwards. These children are not actually orphans but from poor families who cannot afford education . And they are provided a safe heaven and  education . Some of the children whom I met are really very smart and some are just average . And all of them have dreams to become an engineer , doctor . One boy also remarked that he want to become a politician :-) .
On that weekend around 12 people had volunteered to come and teach and it was astonishing that only 4 people had actually come . While talking to the coordinator of BOSCO MANE he remarked that this is one of the main challenge which they face when they are trying to educate these under-privileged children More than monetary crunches , they face the dilemma of people just making a no show .

So , NEXT TIME  when you cannot make any monetary donation to them , take out some time from your busy life and volunteer for one of this organization .Beleive me the joy which it gives when you work for these gifted children is beyond words.And in return you get their love and compassion.

Sometime back we conducted painting competition for the students of Government school . My 5 year old son also accompanied me . And we had great time with all the children . The entire theme was designed by me . Sharing some of the pictures here :

Do share your  thoughts if you have spent some time for others .. or if you have done a kind act which bought a smile to them ... will love to hear from you :-)

2 Beautiful people shared their thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Really an eye opener article ! The pictures are amazing :-)

Anonymous said...

Ashirvadam an NGO in Bangalore is doing a good job in offering funds and grants to NGO's for educational and social upliftment, they also fund wild life conservation projects