Thursday, March 27, 2008

Love does not cost anything but sometimes it does?

News paper that‘s one thing which I crave after getting up in the morning. I am little startled up seeing the news published in the frontline ‘Techie kills wife and hangs himself’. What grabs my attention is the word techie and makes me feel that I share a bond with him/her, though there must be millions in the Bangalore thinking the same.

Amit Budhiraja a software engineer working with an IT Company allegedly killed his wife 28-year-old Rinku Sachdev Budhiraja, as he was disturbed about her relationship with a colleague and then later hangs himself with the ceiling fan.

Both were successful in their careers and were well educated. Their snap together seems to be a picture perfect one. But what coerces a successful individual like Amit budhiraja to take such a radical step. Is it insecurity or the fear that his wife might leave him? Or was he having suicidal tendencies that he could not concede the reality of his relationship which led him to take such an anarchistic step?

My heart just aches to think that there is so much growing insecurity and intolerance among today’s youth .Just look back 20 , 30 years back and our parents had more arduous life in terms of finance , a larger family to take care of , brothers and sisters to get settled. And still they were content and could struggle despite all odds, because there was a feeling of love and contentment.

Today in spite of having all the material comforts and money, the one thing is lagging is the feeling of love, and trust. One more thing which is just spreading like fire among today’s generation is the chalta hai attitude. You can almost kill somebody walking on the road and still it is ‘chalta hai’ or just has a fling with your friend’s girlfriend and still it is ‘chalta hai’.

God! Has morality vanished or has become like the hero of hindi movie, having negative shades.

Just take a glance at the scraps thrown by the friends and the not so friends of Amit Budhiraja and Rinku Sachdev in Orkut, made me think as if I am reading some porn site.

God! Can people have such squalid thinking and do we really belong to a civilized society???

There can be a heated debate on whether Amit was right or wrong??But one thing is sure that life can never be wrong. Life is the most eternal gift given by god to live and let live. I remember a saying ‘The life and love we create is the life and love we live.’

Life without love, is possible, but love without life, not possible. And love (Or Should I say Hatred) does cost sometimes our life. Ouuuccchhhhhh , it really hurts.